Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Employment Process - Acceptance

I have arrived in Gwangju! Now have 360 somewhat days to go... Well, before I get into all of that, I know it is part of my duty, especially to all those who have helped me get here, to write about how the whole gig got started. Need to go into rewind... yes, I should've started like 2 months ago. That's me, all or nothing. Goal is stop STOP THAT!

Ok, so.. let's begin. Why Korea, I have been asked? Good and reasonable question. The real motivator to go to S. Korea is that, there's this thing there that doesn't exist currently in the land of the free...it's called JOBS ....one that I can make money and save a little- about half or more of my monthly salary plus severance pay! They pay for your round trip flight (if you don't complete the year contract, no free flight home) and free housing (not including utilities, cable, etc.) I am now aware that Koreans are having their own struggles on the employment matter, along with the rest of the world. (from class discussion-they pointing fingers in our direction about the recession..but can you blame them?) However, English is so important to them that they are willing to pay for foreigners to come and work. I am a walking asset to a good portion of the world... So, here I am and that is why, mostly. Getting to experience a new culture and travel is a healthy addition to it.

After about 4- 6 or so months in Florida this past year, trying to find options temporarily while networking and networking to possibly relocate to the NW.... I just had to say that I wasn't going to try to swim upstream anymore. Trying to start over in a recession was insane .. but my purpose at the time was otherwise, my mom. As I saw she was adjusting alright to a new life, I had to make some decisions on mine. By the time I got back from my travel west in March, I made a decision. I had to...limboland doesn't work in Dmeryland. I decided to go back to camp for my photography job and by the fall look for and get work in S. Korea and teach English. I really didn't see much choice on the matter. As much as I felt ready for a different direction than teaching abroad, realistically it wasn't wasn't financially feasible. I knew I had to go and work towards the future. Many foreigners who go on this life changing journey to work and live internationally would most likely be feeling elated, ecstatic and free. To be honest, I felt mostly indifferent. Again, it was just a decision I had to make, at that time. Responsibilities to take care of and to start living again..

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